Sunday, 29 March 2009

Testing in a New or Transitional Agile Environment

Agile environments need many practices set up and functioning before a tester can really flourish – continuous integration, environment management, good software engineering practices, a solid development process etc. Without even these basic elements in place, the tester is left to manage an ad hoc flow of user stories, support issues, and goodwill.

Issues that seem to be common for testers in these environments:

  • Iteration planning is a quick guessing meeting. This is the most important part of any iteration as it sets up the focus and objectives for upcoming work. It is also an opportunity for the team to extract decent acceptance criteria from the product owners.
  • Test estimations reduced by product owners or developers. Just remember who the experts are here!  Don’t put yourself in a situation where you have to cram a full regression test into 3 minutes because a PO thinks that is enough time!
  • Acceptance criteria either not identified or too vague to be of any real value (See above!). Not having good acceptance criteria means that a story has no real objective, and will be too vague to test. Without the defined goal posts that acceptance criteria gives us, testers will often find themselves beaten up over failed expectations if the story doesn’t do what the PO wanted it to do. Comments like “This hasn’t been QA’d properly” or “the testers didn’t catch this” are quite common in this situation and push accountability on to the test team.
  • Stories getting to the tester too late. This usually happens when stories are ill defined and extend past the original estimation. Again, acceptance criteria will usually help focus estimations.
  • In smaller environments where developers are multi-access resources, there is often a stream of “under the radar” work that eventually flows into the hands of the tester. This is work being done, perhaps for the good of the business that puts an extra burden on the team. In this type of environment, work never gets tested properly. Consider using Kanban if this is the case!
  • No supporting development processes such as continuous integration, or automated testing. This means that the tester is usually engaged in large amounts of regression testing rather than exploring new functionality. Consider adding automation tasks to stories.
  • No decent environment management system in place meaning that it’s very difficult to have consistency with test, development, and production environments. This is a must if you wish to be efficient and effective with your deployment pipeline. You will need to set aside developer, DevOps, and tester time to get this up and running. To secure this time you need to be able to sell the benefits to your management team. Reduced delivery time is always a good benefit to use in this circumstance.
  • Testers being treated as a quality gate at the end of the iteration rather than an integral part of the team. This is a cultural change that is required in the team. A strong, test "savvy" development manager or a solid QA/test director should be pushing this change. Ground-up changes are usually quite difficult. Embedded cultural changes such as this usually require strong and determined leadership.
  • No sense of quality ownership by the team. This is common in those teams with no test automation at any level, and where acceptance criteria are either weak or missing. This links in with many of the points above. The more we can infiltrate into the minds of the developers, the better! All the suggested practices above and below will help define this ownership.

What can the tester do to change this?

The tester in an agile environment needs to become a proponent for process improvement. To avoid some the issues above, an agile tester must engage in some of the following
  • Highlight software engineering opportunities for the team, and be proactive in providing possible solutions. A great way to do this is to start a software engineering work group that gets together proactive and innovate developers and testers on a regular basis to implement the engineering practices that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the teams.
  • Work to rule. This is tough, but if you have been asked to succeed in agile, then you must follow the basic work flows that have been designed. If things are not working, use the retrospectives to make changes that can be agreed on by the team.
  • Be alert! Use the tools that you have to keep track of what is being developed, supported, and released to help you get an understanding of the work output. I have had a lot of success monitoring RSS feeds and change logs from source control systems as they give me the ability to hone test analysis to a specific part of the system. You also get information on changes to parts of the system that your developers may not have mentioned to you!
  • Publish your ideal test architecture as part of the test strategy. This will allow others to see what your perspective is on what is needed to develop successfully, and may prompt them to help you out, especially if your ideas are compelling!
  • Measure your Boomerang! This is work that comes back to the development process after it is released. In ISEB circles this is known as the defect detection rate. It is one of the most useful measurements we have as it is a real indicator of how effective your quality practices are.
  • Measure whatever seems important as it can help you push the importance of what you are doing. This is one the most important things we can do. I once did this to get unit testing up and running in one environment. A simple weekly report on the number of tests per project provided the impetus to get developers writing tests on a regular basis.

Testing can be a thankless task, but being proactive during a transitional period will bring benefit to your team. The team will probably be going through a lot of change acceptance, and placing an integrated tester directly into the team is another difficult change to manage.

Here are a couple of great resources on agile development and lean development that could help you formulate ideas in these tricky environments.

Friday, 27 March 2009

When Should We Automate the User Interface in an Agile Environment?

Many misunderstand automation in the context of agile. Picking up a user interface test tool and automating from the word go is never going to work. Automation is often associated directly to UI tests but in an agile environment, automation refers to the whole test strategy. One of our primary goals in agile automation is to develop automated unit tests that will help us monitor the pulse of our project. From there we can look at developing integration tests, coupling together groups of unit tests, or we can look straight to UI automation. UI automation allows us to do both integration and system testing.

In an agile environment we have to look at the real return on investment when deciding what and how we automate in terms of the UI.

Examining the following factors may make this task easier:

1. Risk - A business or safety critical application is always a candidate. Use the other factors to assess the correct moment to automate. Low business impact applications should really be avoided unless work flows are simple.

2. Maturity/Stability - If the web application is still in primary development stages then there will be lots of changes to the UI. Sometimes it is better to wait for a Beta release before beginning UI automation. At this point there will usually be a lower frequency of change or less impacting changes. Waiting until this point saves a lot of time, and reduces the maintenance overhead.

3. Resource - Automation is labour intensive. If you can only devote a small amount of time to UI automation then you are probably not going to have success. Time block an automation project if necessary, it will bring benefit.

4. Change Index - Web applications with a high change index usually require the largest amount of maintenance. Keeping up with a site that has constantly changing layout or content can kill an automation project.

5. Complexity - Large complex systems that use a host of differing technologies, and contain work flows that cross these technologies, should be avoided. Unless, that is, you have the necessary resources and tools to combat this.

6. Technology - If you don't have well supported UI automation tools such as QuickTest Pro or Selenium, or the expertise to use the ones you have got, then your automation project could extend far beyond the original plan. The problem of not having expertise in your automation applications, or even in automation, is that you could find yourself with a very brittle framework that requires constant maintenance, increasing the cost and burden of automation.

Friday, 20 March 2009

Tools: Web Service Testing

A colleague put me onto a great free XML development tool called Liquid XML Studio. This is an incredible feature rich XML development tool that apart from developing XML, it allows you to test and build SOAP requests in such an easy manner that I couldn't imagine a developer or tester being without such a tool! Its another great tool to add to your arsenal of agile test tools.

Some of the useful features:
  • Web Service Call Composer
  • XPath Expression Builder
  • HTML Documentation Generation
  • XML Diff - Compare XML Files
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Integration (2005 & 2008)
  • XML Schema Editor
  • XML Data Binding
A great alternatives is soapui - This is an open source tool designed for web service testing. It allows you to inspect and invoke web services. This is a tool that has become a strong component of my current web test framework.