Tuesday 18 February 2014

Alternative views of the test pyramid diagram

warning.. there is an attempt at humour in here..
A lot of people like to use simple diagrams to explain their test approach on a project or system. One that crops a lot is the test pyramid as described in Alister Scott's WatirMelon blog. I love this diagram, and thought that it gave people a high level understanding about what and how you are going to be testing, both automatically and as a human on a project. I was wrong! After a recent series of criticism about a test strategy I produced, I realised that not everyone sees the world like I do. So here are a couple of takes on the test pyramid to help other people understand the diagram a bit better. Its so difficult to be all things to all people!

Pyramid at sunrise
Obviously, the sun is what humans do, with their minds etc.. and the pyramid describes the effort invested in certain test automation activities.

When I was looking at the diagram above, I couldn't help noticing similarities to pac-man, so here is my second attempt.

pac-man tests
For more information see my brief entry on the test pyramid.

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