Wednesday 5 February 2014

Mocking out system dependencies with MockServer

Have you ever had the problem of running a web application in a development environment that had multiple system dependencies, only to find that those dependencies are unavailable?

MockServer built by James D Bloom can help you solve this problem.
MockServer is for mocking of any system you integrate with via HTTP or HTTPS (i.e. services, web sites, etc).
MockServer supports:
  • mocking of any HTTP / HTTPS response when any request is matched 
  • recording requests and responses to analyse how a system behaves 
  • verifying which requests and responses have been sent as part of a test
MockServer is built using Java and has bindings for both Java and Javascript although any language that can send JSON via HTTP can easily use the MockServer API. Their are some .net bindings in the pipeline, but until those come along you could use Nancy to provide similar capabilities.

For more information on MockServer please visit

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